Success Comes Faster As Your Experience Builds…

Here’s a little gift for you. A simple idea that can make a big difference in your life. It can mean the difference between struggling through an ordinary life or being immensely successful. It is a very small thought that is worth a very great deal to you if (a) you really understand it and (b) you make it a part of your life.

The idea in a nutshell: Knowledge is a form of wealth. Like wealth, it provides dividends if it is invested. Over a long period of time, those dividends compound. Eventually, they become gargantuan.

If you take an idea and plant it — not just in your mind but also in the operations of your business — it will start to grow. What seems like an insignificant seed today will look like a healthy tree in a few years — and a huge, towering oak in 10 or 20 years.

When someone gives you a valuable idea, do something with it immediately. If you are inexperienced, don’t expect it to change your world — but put it to work anyway, because it will become more valuable over time.

Value good advice. Put it to work. Cultivate it over time. As the months and years pass, crossbreed it with other new ideas. As time goes on, your capacity to use new ideas will grow enormously.

What seems hard today…will seem easy someday in the future. An idea that makes you or the company $500 today may eventually make $50,000 or even $5 million. It will be the same idea, but it will be much, much more powerful — because you will have become more powerful. You and the business will have grown like an oak tree.

How do you continue to generate fresh, useful ideas that will help your business grow? Ask your team members.

Rather than solicit ideas remotely and abstractly, ask each member of your working team these two questions: “What are you doing that’s smart for our business?” and “What are you doing that’s good for our customers?”

You won’t always get great answers. Most of them will be mediocre. But if you get 10 ideas from 10 workers, at least one of them will be good…and that can make a big difference.

Ask the questions in person, by phone, or by e-mail — but make each query personal…and expect, even demand a thoughtful reply.


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