As a business owner, some of your fundamental roles include:
  • Vision
  • Inspiration
  • Coaching
  • Planning
  • Setting goals
  • Interviewing and hiring
  • Training
  • Creating
How are you doing so far this year regarding your time in these areas?

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Have you spent adequate, quality time planning the future of your business?
  • Have you spent adequate time coaching and developing your team (or having it done)?
  • Are you on target for all of your management and self-improvement goals?
  • Have you been able to manage your attitudes consistently regardless of what was happening around you?
  • Did you see change as your partner and embrace it…or has it become your adversary?
  • Are you leaving any unfinished business behind as you move into the second quarter of the year?
  • Have you been communicating your goals, strategies, plans, and objectives clearly to your team?
  • Have you handled all of your team member’s challenges successfully, and in a compassionate and timely manner?
  • Have you set clear goals for the rest of the year?
  • Are you in touch with the realities within your organization and your marketplace?
  • If you could, would you reverse or change any of the significant decisions you made during the first quarter of the year?
  • If you could begin this year over again, what is one thing you would do differently?

A critical skill necessary for success as an owner is the ability to honestly evaluate your:

  • personal development progress
  • attitudes
  • skills
Work on expanding this list.

Set a target of 50 more questions that will help you get a better handle on your organisation and yourself.

You might think it is a little early to begin this process, since it’s only the beginning of April…but we all know it’ll be the end of the year before we know it.  How you spend the next several months could make or break your goals, your hopes, and the success and direction of your company.


And that’s worth thinking about…


If you need assistance in solidifying your goals with associated strategies and plans for 2023, our next GrowthCLUB will be on Thursday the 8th December, focusing on creating a 90-day plan for Q1 of 2023.