DISC Behavioural Assessment in the UK: How It Increase Business Performance

Do you know your personality type? A DISC behavioural assessment can help you find out. This type of assessment has been used for many years in the UK and is a great way to understand your unique strengths and weaknesses. There are four DISC behavioural styles, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we will discuss each style in detail and explain how you can find out which one best describes you.

What Is Disc and What Does It Stand For?

DISC is a model of human behaviour that divides people into four different personality types. DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. Each type has its own unique set of behaviours that can be used to describe someone’s personality.

What Does a Dominant Personality Type Need Improvement On?

Dominance: People who are dominant are typically assertive and competitive. They like to take charge and be in control, are usually quick thinkers who make decisions quickly. They are also usually good at taking risks.

One area that people who are dominant may need to work on is learning to delegate. They may also need to learn to take breaks more often, as they can tend to push themselves too hard.

What Does the “Influence” Personality Type Need Improvement On?

Influence: People who are influential are typically outgoing and persuasive. They like to be around people and have the ability to influence others. They are often good at networking and building relationships.

One area that people who are influential may need to work on is learning to say no. They may also need to learn to be more assertive, as they can tend to be too agreeable.

What Does the “Steadiness” Personality Type Need Improvement On?

Steadiness: People who are steady are typically calm and patient. They like to take things slowly and carefully. They are often good at following instructions and sticking to routines.

One area that people who are steady may need to work on is learning to be more spontaneous. They may also need to learn to take risks more often, as they can tend to be too cautious.

What Does the “Conscientiousness” Personality Type Need Improvement On?

Conscientiousness: People who are conscientious are typically organised and detail-oriented. They like to plan ahead and have strong attention to detail. They are often good at problem-solving and making decisions.

One area that people who are conscientious may need to work on is learning to relax. They may also need to learn to be more spontaneous, as they can tend to be too rigid.

How Can the Disc Behavioural Assessment Help You?

What Are the Benefits of Disc Assessment?

DISC can help you to understand your own personality and behaviour, as well as how others see you. This type of assessment is often used in the workplace to help with team building and communication. It can also be used in relationships to help couples understand each other better. Knowing your DISC type can help you to make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and build stronger relationships.

How Can Disc Behavioural Tool Help You With Team Building?

DISC can help you to understand the personality types of your team members. This can help you to assign tasks more effectively and communicate more effectively with each individual. It can also help you to resolve conflict within the team more effectively.

How Can Disc Behavioural Tool Help You With Communication?

DISC can help you to understand how your own personality affects the way you communicate with others. It can also help you to understand the communication style of others. This type of understanding can help you to resolve misunderstandings and build better relationships.

How Can Disc Help You Make Better Decisions?

DISC can help you to understand how your personality affects the way you make decisions. It can also help you to understand the decision-making style of others. This type of understanding can help you to make better decisions as a team and avoid conflict.

How to Find Out Your Behavioural Style

There are many different ways to find out your DISC type. You can visit your local library and look for books on personality types. Or you can purchase a professional assessment from a company that specialises in DISC assessments. The best solution is to try our free DISC assessment. Once you know your DISC type, you can begin to understand your behaviour and how it affects others.

Using the Disc Behavioural Assessment to Improve Your Working Relationships in the UK Workplace?

If you want to use your DISC results to improve your working relationships, there are a few things you can do. First, try to understand your own personality type and how it affects your behaviour. Then, try to understand the personality types of those you work with. This will help you to assign tasks effectively and communicate more effectively with each individual. Finally, try to resolve conflict within your team effectively.

Case Studies of How Companies Have Used Disc Behavioural Assessments in Their Workplace?

There are many different ways that companies have used DISC behavioural assessments in their workplace. Some companies use DISC to help with team building and communication. Others use it to help with conflict resolution. Whilst others use it to help with hiring and training employees. There are many different ways that DISC can be used in the workplace, and each company has different needs. DISC can be a valuable tool for any company that wants to improve its workplace.

Companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft have used DISC in their workspace. These companies are all leaders in the technology industry, and they have used DISC to help them hire and train employees. DISC has also helped these companies to improve communication and resolve conflict within their teams.

Check out how you can use DISC styles in Sales

Talk to a Disc Specialist

A DISC specialist is a professional who has been trained to administer and interpret DISC assessments. DISC specialists can help you to understand your DISC type and how it affects your behaviour. They can also help you to use DISC to improve your communication, resolve conflict, and make better decisions.


Do you need help in improving your business? Our Business Growth Specialist, who has expert experience in implementing DISC at both the executive and the team level, could help you on your journey with a 1-2-1 session. Book a complimentary coaching session now.

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We also offer free DISC assessments. Simply click here to take the DISC assessment.

If you have any questions, call us or fill in the form below, we’re always happy to help.

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