Why entrepreneurs choose to seek out advisors?

As a business owner, it sometimes feels like you’re supposed to always know the right solution for everything, that you are all alone in your journey and everyone is looking to you for answers. But in fact, the best leaders are those who know when to seek advice and who often have trusted advisors or partners they can turn to. 

Whilst these relationships can be informal, many business owners seek out formal advisory relationships through local associations, consultants and coaches.

At ActionCOACH Rotherham, we have seen many business owners find value in 1-2-1 coaching, group coaching and our networking seminars.  

But a question often asked is, ‘what’s the difference between a business coach and a business consultant?’

At first glance, they may seem similar, but there are major differences beneath the surface.

Business owners hire consultants to give them answers to challenges the business is facing. A business coach, on the other hand, helps business owners arrive at the best answers themselves. While a consul­tant should tell you how to make your business run better. In contrast a business coach will help you learn to see these solutions for yourself over time. 

A business consultant will focus on a specific area — like logistics improvement, customer service, marketing or succession planning. A business consultant should provide solutions and sometimes even help with implementation. So whilst a consultant is used to solve a single issue plaguing your business a coach is used to systemically help you improve as a business owner whilst also improving your business.

So, if you want to discuss business coaching and how it could benefit you, book a gifted coaching session with Tim Coleman, Our Lead Business Coach